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"The Dynamic Duo: How Omega-3 and Vitamin D Co-Supplementation Can Transform Your Health, Reduce Pain and Combat Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases"

At Be Healthy Chiropractic Wellness Centre we recommend Bioceuticals D3 + K2 mouth spray and Nordic Naturals Pro Omega Fish Oil.

At Be Healthy Chiropractic Wellness Centre we recommend Bioceuticals D3 + K2 mouth spray and Nordic Naturals Pro Omega Fish Oil.

 ” Preliminary intervention studies and clinical trials demonstrated that Vitamin D and Omega-3 co-supplementation leads to significant benefits in different clinical settings, including insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes mellitus associated with coronary heart disease, gestational diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovary syndrome, type 1 diabetes mellitus, inflammatory bowel disease, and autism spectrum disorder.”

“Such beneficial effects likely arise from the synergistic anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties exerted by vitamin D and omega-3 PUFAs…In fact, adequate circulating vitamin D and omega-3 PUFA concentrations may contribute to reduce systemic inflammation by enhancing a systemic anti-inflammatory state.”

Ref: Infante et al. (2022) The importance of vitamin D and omega-3 PUFA supplementation: a nonpharmacologic immunomodulation strategy to halt autoimmunity. Eur Rev Med and Pharm Sci 26:6787-6795.


Chronic systemic inflammation is the underlying cause of the chronic illness, chronic pain and autoimmune disease pandemics. Research is now irrefutable that chronic systemic inflammation is the underlying cause of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, depression, neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s and Irritable Bowel disease, chronic fatigue, infertility, sexual dysfunction, etc etc.

The underlying causes of chronic inflammation are poor nutrition, lack of exercise and movement, and chronic emotional stress. Deficiencies of Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics are direct nutritional causes of chronic inflammation because these essential nutrients are required in order to resolve acute inflammation. Chiropractic care helps to reduce inflammation through improving the proper movement of areas of the body that are stiff which is why Vit D, Omega 3s and probiotics greatly improve patient results and response to chiropractic care.

Without sufficient Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and healthy probiotics in your gut your immune system and inflammation-resolving systems cannot function properly and this is why deficiencies of these nutrients is so highly related to chronic disease and autoimmune disease. Deficiencies in these nutrients are pandemic and thus so is chronic inflammation.


In addition to addressing the physical component of inflammation through improving body movement and flexibility you need to supplement with sufficient amounts of Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics. Doing so is literally essential for preventing and/or resolving chronic inflammation and prevention/resolving chronic inflammation is essential for preventing/resolving chronic pain, chronic illness and autoimmune illness.

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