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Be Healthy Chiropractic Self-Help Articles

At Be Healthy Chiropractic, we are passionate about healthy lifestyles and we are committed to helping you to help yourself live a healthier, happier and more balanced life. Click on the subject headings below to view more articles written by Dr Lanthois that will provide you healthy lifestyle tips and strategies that will not only reduce your pain but boost your overall health and wellbeing at the same time.

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Health and Wellbeing

woman eating a carrot

How Chiropractic Promotes Overall Health

Health means a lot more than just feeling good.

woman with a cold

Why Getting a Cold or Flu Can Mean That You’re Getting Healthier

Consider colds and flu-like an opportunity to have a big clean up of your body

work with disease

Why You Should Work With Disease Instead of Trying to Fighting Against It

If you listen to your body’s whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream

man on beach

Does Your Metabolism Slow Down As You Age?

Are our expanding waistlines part of normal ageing or is blaming your age just an excuse?


Self Motivation For Lasting Healthy Change

Follow these three critical steps to create lasting healthy change.

green smoothie

Be Healthy Chiropractic’s Sensational Green Smoothie

Our own low-carb recipe filled with healthy veggies that don’t taste like lawn clippings


Eat to Beat Inflammation

These foods will help reduce your aches and pain.

women walking

Fit Body, Sharp Mind

This healthy habit not only boosts your health but sharpens your mind too…

health , pain letters

How Pain Can Make You Healthy

This research shows that a more holistic approach to back pain helps not only reduce your pain but has additional benefits to your health…

Physical Pain Relief


This is the Best Pillow Going Around For Your Neck and Shoulders

Discover why this pillow is better than others on the market

contour curve pillows

How to Make Sure That Your Pillow is the Right Size For You.

This guide will save yourself money and a lot of discomfort.

pain killers

Why Painkilling Medications Are Bound to Hurt You

Painkilling medication can temporarily relieve the symptom of pain but the rebound effect of pain medication will likely have you in more long term pain.

Hot cold game

Using Pain to Win Your Health Game

How the Hot and Cold game can change how you think of pain…

pain makes you stronger

How Pain Makes Us Healthy

Looking at the healthy side of pain might seem akin to visiting the dark side of the moon…

pain in the brain

No Brain No Pain

… how your brain’s pain perception is influenced by the feedback it receives from all parts of your body and how you can use that to your advantage

man with back pain

Using Pain to Your Advantage – Like an Olympic Gold Medallist

When you watch the amazing feats of incredible athletes at the Rio Olympics it’s hard to comprehend that you have much in common with any of them

YHP cover

Pain Relief Breakthrough: How Pain Can Actually Be Good For You

Stop trying to suppress and stop your pain. Your pain is one of your most powerful tools for healing.

Ice Gel Packs available at be Healthy Chiropractic Wellness Centre

Recover Quicker From Injury By Avoiding This Mistake

Do you use ice or heat when in pain? One of them is a mistake…


A Safer and Natural Alternative to Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Which Should Be In EVERY First Aid Kit

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used to limit excessive pain and inflammation…


Introducing Inflagesic: Your Natural Herbal Solution for Pain Relief

Are you seeking a natural alternative to traditional pain relievers like Panadol and paracetamol? Inflagesic offers a holistic herbal solution to help you find relief from muscle aches, pains, and inflammation…

Emotional Pain Relief

footprints in the sand

Does it Have to Hurt to Heal?

I often talk about the benefits of pain in the healing of physical injuries, but dealing with emotional pain brought a whole different perspective to the subject…or did it?

man with feet on desk

You’re Not Busy, You’re Just Procrastinating

“I’m so busy.” It’s as if we regard how busy we are as some sort of badge of honour in the delusion that “busyness” somehow equals success when it just causes more stress.


How Getting Bullied Can Be Good For Children: and the younger the better

Dr Lanthois shares his own personal account of how he used the bullying of his own child to help build tremendous resilience and character in him.

Hot cold game

How Anxiety and Depression Can Be Good For You: And How Trying to Stop It Could Harm You

So-called “negative” emotions are one of the most important tools you have to resolve stress permanently. You can even use them to your advantage.

Peter Gotzsche

The Great Depression and Anxiety Hoax

It’s time to remove your chemical straight jacket. The idea that your depression or anxiety is caused by a chemical imbalance (lack of serotonin) in your brain is a big lie!

woman celebrating

7 Ways To Improve Your Mood Naturally

Here’s a range of natural solutions for when you wake up on the wrong side of bed …

woman with her arms crossed

Good Posture, Better Mood?

Changing your posture can be one of the simplest and most powerful ways to affect your mood…


Be Healthy Chiropractic Self-Help Articles | (07) 5457 0657